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Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.'s)

Q. What is Tax relief?

A. Tax relief is a program called Offer in Compromise wherein the IRS will settle a tax debt, whether personal or business for less than the amount owed if a citizen qualifies.

Q. Why would the IRS want to settle a tax debt?

A. The IRS understands there are situations in which they will not be able to collect the entire amount of a tax a citizen owes no matter what they do or how hard they try. By agreeing to settle a tax debt, the IRS "brings the citizen back into the system". The citizen is required to stay in compliance and pay their taxes on time after relief is granted. It's a win-win situation for the citizen and the IRS.

Q. How do I know if I qualify for tax relief?

A. Tax counselors can quickly determine if you qualify for tax relief. Even if we determine that you do not qualify for an Offer in Compromise, you may still qualify other types of tax relief like Penalty Abatement, Innocent Spouse or Trust Fund Recovery. We can also arrange a manageable installment agreement with the IRS for you.











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